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clap welcome

Give your employees a gift

Find employee gifts that show your appreciation and will be remembered.

3 reasons to give your employees a gift

We'll help you find meaningful gifts - from small tokens of appreciation to special gifts for career-defining moments.

Corporate Design

Gifts with logo placement and matching design for your business.

Diverse offer

Individual gifts for every occasion and taste.


Environmentally conscious product selection and packaging.
key visual clapkey visual clap

What is Team Gifting?

Corporate gifts for employees are ideally part of a strategic approach that ensures your company continually shows appreciation to employees.

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Why gifts are important for employees

Team gifts are an important part of a company's reward and recognition program. Simply put, someone in a company sends a gift to another person in the same company.

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Get to know clap now!

We would be happy to show you in a demo what makes gifting with the clap platform so easy.

When gifts for employees are appropriate

Employee gifts are appropriate on holidays, anniversaries, for exceptional performance, at company events and for new employees. They are a nice gesture of appreciation and strengthen employee loyalty. Especially personal moments, such as the birth of a child, a wedding or the birthdays of children are welcome occasions for gift giving.

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Add a feature section about the product.

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Get inspired

We'll help you find meaningful gifts - from small tokens of appreciation to special gifts for career-defining moments.

coffee clap
Good performance!

Reward excellence and encourage your team.

onboarding clap

Professionally welcome new employees with an onboarding box.

clap thank you
Thank you!

Show your gratitude for support and commitment.

clap excuse

Apologize in style and show that you mean it.

loudspeaker claploudspeaker clap